Thursday, April 26, 2012

A (very detailed) Day In The Life of Liam and I (with pictures and everything!)

Thought I would share an (un)usual day in the life of us! (BTW, this ditl was actually a few days ago but my phone wouldn't upload the photos to my Flickr account for some reason but I fixed it!)

9:45- Wake up and have our first morning diaper change.

Sit and watch some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, while eating a bowl of Cheerios. 
I jump in the shower real quick, while Liam plays in the living room. Don't worry, I watch him like a hawk. 
I throw a load of whites in, because I have nothing to wear today and my favorite shirt is white. :) Also, at this time, I do Liam's second morning diaper change. He always waits till I change his diaper the first time before he does his uhhh, baby business.
I stand at the counter and eat my amazingly delicious breakfast of frozen waffle...with a spoon and one of Liam's cups, because I forgot to start the dishwasher last night. Ha.
Then I go into the bathroom and get ready for the day. This is my daily routine of Mary Kay cleanser, sun block and moisturizer and then lots of make up. Ha. I look like a zombie without make up. 
 After getting dressed, I head back into the kitchen, turn on Gilmore Girls and clean.
After! Oh, how I love a clean kitchen. :)
Next, tackle the living room. See those cute baby legs in the bottom left corner? :)
After cleaning and getting little man dressed, we head to Goodwill. I am on a craft streak right now and am looking for anything to make stuff with! Ha, I found this cute fireman hat that Liam wouldn't leave without. Best $.99 I ever spent.
Then we headed to the mall.
 Shopping with mommy! I usually put him in the jogging stroller for mall trips but I accidentally left it at the house. 
We stop at the food court and grab Chic-fil-a for lunch. 
After we eat, we run to Babies 'R' Us to grab a sippy cup leash because some one has a little too much fun throwing his sippy from the stroller. :)
Then we take a last minute trip to U-Haul...
where somebody falls asleep. :)
After we get home, I clean a little more and relax while little man chills and watches Team Umizoomi.
 My mom makes fried rice for dinner. Which is a family favorite! :)
Liam loves rice!
Then after story and cuddles, it's bed time for my little guy. 

Most of our days are never this busy. Sometimes, we just sit at home and play. But, I absolutely loved recording a day in the life and I definitely plan on doing this once a month. :D

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