You can tell how bored I am when I write 2 posts in 1 day. Ha.
I promised this post a long time ago and finally got around to doing it, so here goes. :)
It was 11 am on September 2, 2010. I had just arrived at my doctor's office for my 37 week checkup. After being called back, I was sent to do the urine test and ultrasound, followed by the blood pressure and weight check. I was then left in the room to wait for my OB. The wait was very long, longer than normal and I started to get anxious. After my wonderful OB, Dr. Radpour came in, immediately, he started talking about inducing me, telling me Liam's abdomen had fallen behind in weight. During my entire pregnancy, Liam's abdomen was behind in development but everything else was right on track. He was never worried about it, but had said early on, that if his abdomen fell to about 3-4 weeks behind, they would have to intervene. That was a very scary thought. Well, that day, it did fall behind even more.
Anyways, he was wanting to induce the next day! I was panicked! It was Labor Day weekend and my family was going out of town for Dragon*Con. So, ya, my blood pressure was through the roof. He checked my cervix and told me I was not dilated or effaced. But man, he sure was taking his time haha. He felt my pelvis and told me that is was too narrow to do a vaginal delivery and would have to have a c-section. I didn't care how he came out, just that he would be healthy and able to go home when I went home. He then left the room to check his schedule and thank goodness, he already had someone scheduled the next day, so he booked me for Tuesday, which was perfect timing, because my parents came home Monday night. He then sent me to another room, where they sat me down to schedule the c-section and tell me everything I needed to do to get ready for Tuesday morning. Then I walked out. Let me tell you, the entire time, my mind was freaking out. After I walked through the waiting room and out the door, I completely lost it. I seriously started sobbing right there in the hallway. I walked to the tiny bathroom and sat in there for about 20 minutes just crying. I was not prepared for this. After, I gathered the strength to stop crying long enough to make it to the car, I headed to the parking lot and lost it again. I called my mom, just sobbing, trying to tell her they were going to deliver Liam Tuesday and she was finally able to calm me down. I was an emotional wreck. Haha.
After the shock wore off, the excitement hit....hard. I started texting everyone I knew, telling them Liam was coming. I even headed straight to Babies 'R' Us, just to pick up a couple things. One thing we were not prepared for was how tiny he was gonna be. People kept telling us to skip newborn size clothes and go straight to 0-3 months. That's all we had. He was 5 pounds, 6 ounces that day. They told us we better have a lot of newborn size clothes. So we had to buy lots of pajamas and onesies and a whole new going home outfit. I then headed home and got the hospital bag ready.
Friday finally rolls around and everybody left for Dragon*Con. Alone time at last. I had actually scheduled a prenatal massage for that weekend but ended up canceling it because of the unsuspecting arrival. I just had too much to do. Like shop for baby things! Also, I had to have blood work done on Saturday to prepare for the c-section. My boss also invited me over for dinner that night since I was home alone and it was a fun night out. My parents and sister and her bf finally came home Monday evening and we were all excited for the arrival of baby Liam.
The c-section was scheduled for 8 am Tuesday morning but I had to be there at 5:30 am to prepare. I got absolutely no sleep that night. I got up around 4 am and then my mother and I headed to the hospital. I was checked into my room and given an IV and heart rate monitor for the baby. It was so neat, listening to his heartbeat in the room. I tried to sleep a little since I was exhausted but no luck. The anesthesiologist came in around 7:15 to tell me what the plan was and then my OB came in after to discuss stuff I was too groggy to remember. Around 7:40ish, my nurse came in early to take me back to the operating room. I walked to the other table that the surgery was gonna happen on and they gave me the epidural. It wasn't that bad at all. I don't know why people make it out to be the worst thing in the world, because it's not. I laid back on the table and immediately began to feel numb. After he did the check to make sure I couldn't feel a thing, he began. The worst part was that there was a glass cabinet to the left of me and everything was reflected in it. I could see everything but my mother blocked it so I wouldn't have to watch haha. It felt like forever before he got to the baby but he finally did. That was when he started putting pressure on my upper abdomen to ease Liam down. It didn't hurt but he made it hard to breathe, what with him pushing on my lungs and all haha. He finally got Liam's head out and one of the nurses told my mom to stand up and look and she just started snapping away with the pictures. Imagine a bloody, gory body with a head sticking out. I almost threw up looking at this picture haha. He was pulled out seconds later and started squeaking. It was the cutest sound in the entire world. After they cleaned him up, they help him up for me to see and I just remember thinking he was so tiny. Then they wrapped him up and handed him to my mother, since I was still being sewn up.
He was born at 8:02 am, weighing 5 pounds, 10 ounces and measuring 19 inches on September 7th, 2010. I was wheeled to the recovery room, where I got to hold him for the first time. And I fell in love with him all over again. While in recovery, they taught me how to breastfeed, which wound up being pointless because my body just wouldn't make breast milk. Sad, but he started losing weight because he couldn't get anything out of me. After an hour in recovery, I was wheeled back to my room, where so many people were sitting, waiting to meet the newest addition. My dad, sister, aunts Ann and Terry, and Liam's Godmothers Ashley and Jessica all met Liam for the first time. They took turns holding him and lots of pictures were taken and then they left. Later in the day, I was moved to a bigger room, because there were ants in the window sill of my old room. And ya know what, I walked to it! Ha, only like 5 hours after he was born! We stayed 2 1/2 days and were discharged Thursday night. We actually drove straight to Babies 'R' Us because he seriously had no clothes haha.
The first week home was all a blur. Seriously, I don't even remember where he slept. I believe it was his swing haha. But time flew by and now he is 19 months. I am so extremely blessed to be Liam's mommy because I know I didn't deserve such a beautiful, wonderful little boy. But now, I am preparing for his SECOND birthday. Slow down little guy, mommy can't keep up! :)
And there ya have it...Liam's birth story. :)
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