Friday, May 11, 2012

Brooks, Bridges and Breathing

Ok, I tried out my Brooks today aaaannndddd.....I LOVE THEM!

 It was like running on a cloud. I haven't taken a rest day since last Saturday and it really caught up to me today. I just wasn't feeling it. Although running with the Brooks did make it a little better. Yesterday, I decided to get an official time for my 3.1 miles. As I kept checking the time, I forgot and didn't look until I was about 5.17 km and it was at 33 minutes. So I rounded it down to 31 minutes even and will try to PR from there. Today, I was so slow, I didn't even bother with trying to PR. In fact, I didn't go as far as I usually go and and got back to my car at 4.32 km. And it took me 47 minutes to do it. I do have to give myself leeway because yesterday I ran alone and today I ran with the jogging stroller and Liam. So I definitely am faster without the stroller.

Today, while picking up my shoes from the running store, I realized that the love of my life works there. Haha. It was the guy who fitted me for my shoes. He gave me a discount on the shoes. Uh, hello! Totally into me! Ha, I kid. Although I would totally be ok with that. ;)

I still haven't signed up for the 5k. I think I am super nervous about the course. I mean, it's super easy but the slant of the bridge is my biggest worry. I don't want to come in last because of the damn slant. Ha. If I'm lucky, the race will start on the opposite side and I will get to run down it. Fingers crossed!

Here is a picture of the course, sort of. The two bridges on the left is what we have to run across. Down one and up the other. Its a lot longer than it looks. Dreading it! Who knows, it may be a whole hell of a lot easier than I'm thinking. I hope so!

Today while running, I noticed how loudly I breathe. I mean, its loud. I never paid close attention because I always listen to the radio on my phone but dang. I need to get my breathing under control haha. 

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