Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hi there.

I guess I'll start off by introducing myself. First off, I'm definitely not new to the blogging world. I actually have four other blogs. Two of which I still write in, the other ones I just wasn't happy with. I really hope to stick to this one because let's face it, I'm a quitter. And I really want to work on that, so I hope this blog will help. :) So here goes..

My name is Kayleigh. I am a 23 year old stay at home single mother of the most wonderful little boy
in the world. His name is Liam and he is currently 18 months. I live with my mom, dad, 22 y/o sister
and her boyfriend who lives in our extra bedroom and of course Liam. I worked at an elementary
school daycare for three years before I got pregnant. Ever since Liam was born, I have been a
SAHM. I am in a mom’s group which is awesome because I have met so many amazing women and
Liam has so many new friends.

 This is the group I'm in. It stands for Moms Of Babies. And I love it!

Being a SAHM was definitely not planned. I had originally decided to go back to work when Liam
turned three months but I didn’t realize how attached I would become to him and just thinking about
leaving him for hours every day seemed unbearable. So my parents allowed me to quit my job. I then
decided to go back when he turned a year but that too snuck up on me and I was still not ready to
leave him. After a lot of thinking and I mean a LOT, I really really wanted to get my life back on
track. I mean, it never fell off track but a lot of things got delayed because of me becoming a mom.

Here’s a few of the things.

1. My mouth journey: We have been working on my teeth, long story short, (I have a whole other
blog about this), I was born with a lot of missing teeth and a very bad under bite. I had braces for two
years, then had them removed when I got pregnant. I got braces again, had 8 teeth pulled, 2 partial
retainers made and am having jaw surgery soon.

2. My weight loss journey: Well, this one kind of started after Liam was born. I’m not exactly a
healthy weight. My weight the day he was born was 210. Ouch. Currently I am at 186, which is a 10
pound weight loss since Christmas 2011. (I have weighed between 197 and 199 from Christmas 2010
to Christmas 2011.) After the holiday last year, I got serious but it’s been a really hard and long

3. School: Ok, so since I mentioned I am a quitter…and I’m working very hard on this one, I realized
I’m always taking thelazyeasy way out. I dropped out of college so fast, it was probably a world
record. School has never been easy for me. So I HATED college..with a vengeance. I did try to go
back but never succeeded. But I’m ready to take it on full throttle.
4. Work: I really want to go back to work. I feel I am ready (after 18 months) to get back to work.
But I’m not talking a part time job. I want to support Liam on my own, in our own little house, with
my own little family. Obviously I am nowhere near ready to move out. I don’t have a car. (My ‘93
Honda Accord broke down when I was 5 months preggers.) So I drive my mom’s. I have absolutely
no credit or savings. I basically am working from the ground up. However, I can not go back to work
until after my jaw surgery because it will be happening within the next 2 months and I would have to
be out of work for 6 weeks recovering. I guess, if I hadn’t dropped out of school, I would have gotten
a degree for a job I didn’t want anymore..being a teacher. I truly think I found my calling though,
which is working with non profit organizations. I am currently volunteering at the Ronald McDonald
house to get some experience under my belt.

So right now, I am just enjoying being a stay at home mom. Here's some pictures of my life. :)

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